Download Resetter Epson L360 Adjustment Program
Download Resetter Epson L360 Adjustment Program - On this occasion I will share with you all the Epson Resetter programs that you can use to reset or reset the printer calculations to zero. When the Epson printer You find the error message you can use this readjustment program, So it will be like the output of the manufacturer. You can use for printers L360.
You can download the Resetter of this Epson printer on the link I have provided below. This Epson Adjustment reset Program You can use for Epson printers type L360.
Download Epson Resetter L360
1. First Download Epson Adjustment Program reset on the link above.
2. After that extract, then path the file AdjProg. exe
3. Then click "Perticular Adjustment mode "
4. Select Printer type, then click "Ok "
5. Then select "Waste in Pad counter " and then click "OK "
6. Check the text "Main pad counter " then click "Chack " click again "Initialize " then click "Finish "
7. Done.